荷兰画家扬·凡·艾克(Jan Van Eyck 1385~1441年)。凡·艾克比罗伯特·康平更加有名,对油画技术的发展的贡献更大,扬·凡·艾克被人们称为油画的发明者。凡·艾克同他的兄长胡伯特·凡·艾克(H,VanEyck)共同完成了许多作品。其中最著名的是为根特市教堂画的“根特祭坛画”。
The Ghent Altarpiece,1432
——by 油画世界
Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini,1435
Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor,1441
乔凡尼·阿尔诺芬尼夫妇肖像The Arnolfini Wedding. The Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife Giovanna Cenami (The Arnolfini Marriage),1434
杨·凡·艾克除完成著名的“根特祭坛画”外,还作有“教堂中的圣母”、 “凡·德尔·巴利的圣母子”、 “玛格利特肖像”等画。他在艺术上最有成就的还要数他的肖像画,其中最著名的一幅是“阿尔诺芬尼夫妇像”。
The Lucca Madonna,1436
The Madonna in the Church,1437-1439
The Birth of John the Baptist,1422
The Last Judgment (detail),1426
St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata,1427
Adam, from the left wing of the Ghent Altarpiece,1425-1429
Adoration of the Lamb,1425-1429
Eve, from the right wing of the Ghent Altarpiece,1425-1429
The Ghent Altarpiece, The Virgin Mary,1426-1429
The Offerings of Cain and Abel,1425-1429
The Soldiers of Christ,1427-1430
Portrait of Cardinal Albergati,1431
Angel Annunciate, from exterior of left panel of the Ghent Altarpiece,1432
Donor and St. John the Baptist,1432
God the Father,1432
Isabella Borluut, panel from the Ghent Altarpiece,1432
Left panel from the Ghent Altarpiece,1432
Portrait of a Young Man,1432
St. Jerome in his Study,1432
The Cumaean Sibyl,1432
The Erythraean Sibyl,1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altar (detail),1432
The Ghent Altarpiece,1432
The Ghent Altarpiece (detail),1432
The Ghent Altarpiece, detail from the exterior of the right shutter,1432
The Prophet Zacharias and the Angel Gabriel,1432
Virgin Annunciate, from the exterior of the right panel of the Ghent Altarpiece,1432
A Man in a Turban,1433
The Ince Hall Madonna (The Virgin and Child Reading),1433
Man in a Blue Turban,1430-1433
Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Giovanna Cenami (The Arnolfini Marriage) (detail),1434
Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Giovanna Cenami (The Arnolfini Marriage) (detail),1434
Portrait of a Man with Carnation,1435
Portrait of Baudouin de Lannoy,1435
Portrait of Cardinal Albergati,1435
The Annunciation,1435
The Rolin Madonna (La Vierge au Chancelier Rolin),1435
The Virgin of the Chancellor Rolin entier,1435
Madonna and Child with Canon Joris van der Paele,1436
Portrait of Jan de Leeuw,1436
The Madonna of Canon van der Paele (detail),1436
The Madonna of Canon van der Paele (detail),1436
The Madonna of Canon van der Paele (detail),1436
The Madonna of Canon van der Paele (detail),1436
The Madonna of Canon van der Paele (detail),1436
The Virgin of the Chancellor Rolin (detail),1434-1436
The Virgin of the Chancellor Rolin (detail),1434-1436
The Virgin of the Chancellor Rolin (detail),1434-1436
St. Barbara,1437
The Virgin and Child in a Church,1437
The Virgin and Child in a Church,1437
Virgin and Child with St. Michael, St. Catherine and a Donor,1437
Small Triptych (central panel),1437
Madonna and Child at the Fountain,1439
Madonna at the Fountain,1439
Portrait of Margaret van Eyck,1439
Copy drawing of Madonna by the Fountain,1439
Portrait of Christ,1440
The Annunciation,1440
The Annunciation,1440
The Annunciation,1440